
Saturday 17 March, 2007


1.Physical science defines stress as a constraining or impelling force exerted on a body. Medical sciences have defined stress as any influence, which disturbs the natural equilibrium of the body and includes within its reference physical injury, exposure, deprivation, all kinds of diseases and emotional disturbances.

2. Stress may also be defined as under: -
(a) A stimulus (a negative force) impinging upon an individual either from outside or from within himself.

(b) A response, emotional or physiological, of the individual, to external or internal events.

(c) An interaction between the individual and his surrounding.

3.As is the case with every material, whether it be gold, steel or clay, human beings also can tolerate certain levels of stress. Damage, whether psychological or physical occurs when they are continually exposed to low or high levels of stress. However, unlike physical matter, human beings have the unique ability to condition their responses to the stress and thus alter the effects caused.

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