
Wednesday 3 October, 2007


1. I always felt inferior in my life because I was not having any girl friend. This inferiority complex was also being reflected in my work as my Boss always demeaned in front of my subordinates due to lack of quality work.

2. I tried to diagnose this inferiority complex and consulted a psychologist who advised me to try a course from a dating web site for improving my success rate with the woman folk. My psychologist complimented me that I knew the reason which was causing inferiority complex in me. As per his suggestion I immediately jumped to grab the opportunity. I was surprised that even training existed in order to get woman folk attracted to an individual.

3. Non having a girl friend was causing me a lot of mental trauma and thus I searched on the net for the sites propagating tips for dating and found this wonderful dating site and immediately applied for its 2 day training programme.

4. I read the tips on the site diligently to make the woman folk to get attracted to an individual. Now I was armed with theoretical information and off I went to attend their 2 night on job training of getting the live tips to approach and get a female attracted to me. Their instructors were expert with even cross cultural experience as these tips are valid through out globe. However a few tips needs to be modified for countries like India and Japan where kissing on first date may not be appropriate.

5. I was take to a number of bars and social hot spots and was shown the way to approach a girl and how to behave with them so that my success rate increases with women. I was surprised when I applied their tips physically and found that women were craving to be my dance partner and of course be my date. This success increased my self confidence and now I am able to perform my work with head held high as I have also achieved success with women.

6. I am really thankful to themodernman site for enabling me to gain my self confidence and now I am beaming with confidence even at work place. I look forward to each day so that I can have a fresh date every day and of course dream to open a training academy for individuals like me who are suffering silently.

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